
Corona Does the End Justify the Means

        It seems the medical profession has spooked the governments all over the world to take drastic action over the killer corona virus. Because of bureaucratic thinking, the world leaders had no choice but to go into lock down and show the world that they were equally concerned and not backward in protecting human lives. It did not matter if these steps made millions of people jobless, businesses go broke, airline companies collapse, cruise operators and tourism shut up shop. It did not matter what happened to the economy and what happens to people's lives as a consequence. The main aim was to save human beings at any cost. How can anyone criticize or argue against such a noble cause? But how can this horrendous cost be justified when the result at the end is not clear at all? It does not seem to be a rational decision for me. If the steps taken stopped or eradicated the disease or killed the virus, one could understand the lock down. But it onl...